Friday, May 13, 2016


4/14/16  Can't believe a week has gone by-so fast.  We are up at 6:30 am as today is Richard's 2nd day of diving with Dive Provo.  For breakfast I get to enjoy that donut I bought yesterday (left it in the fridge overnight) from the Caicos Bakery.  Coffee wakes me up.  Walked to the lobby with Richard so I could wish everyone on the DP van a great day of diving!

It was so yummy!

Everyone smile!! 

At least the driver is smiling!

So it's back to the condo for me.  Wash a load of clothes.  Washed dishes and cleaned up.  Uploaded some pictures on to my computer.  The owner of this condo is coming over to fix the LR TV.  While she's here I'll ask her about how to use the phones.  There's a landline and a cell phone but I have no clue as to how they work and my husband hasn't figured it out either.  She's right on time.  So nice to finally meet the person behind all our e-mails.  She works at Provo Ponies and I reminisce about horseback riding in Belize.  She wasn't able to fix the TV so made arrangements for someone to stop by the condo later.  Fine with me.  Explained the phones and It's like I figured-very easy-duh!

I spend the rest of the day at the pool.  Very relaxing.

Richard returns around 3:00 pm.  Today they were diving West Caicos.  Sites Spanish Anchor and Boat Cave.  Visibility still not very good.  Dive masters today were Pablo and Torsten.

Abandoned resort

This dog greets the returning boats

Dinner-we are going to the local fish fry.  I am so excited but Richard-not so much.  We arrive a bit before 5:30 pm and there's already a lot of cars parked on both sides of the road.  Police directing traffic.  First thing you see is the stand for Turk's Head beer.  There's more picnic tables than I was expecting and I easily find one so I can sit while I eat.  Richard doesn't want anything to eat or drink.  He wants to find some shade.  The rides to the dive sites from DP's dock are 1 hour each way so he's had a bit too much sun.  Right away I see Kalooki's.  I get the BBQ ribs, side of mac n cheese, can of coke.  Cost $16  Best money I ever spent!  The ribs were so amazingly tender-just bare bones left.  And that mac n cheese.  Had bits of red pepper, jalapeño, maybe onions.  The taste was fantastic and I'm going to try to make this at home.  Lots of vendors here like Smokey's, da Conch Shack, Hole In the Wall, and a long line of folks waiting to buy some rum/coconut drink in a coconut shell!  More people arriving.  Live music-4 guys.  They're the same guys from Somewhere when we were there!  They are playing on a raised large platform located at the far end of the park.  Kids and adults dancing to the music.  Island Scoops ice cream truck.  Vendors selling T shirts, hats, candles, conch shells, jewelry, and more.  I bought matching earrings from Wellington, a mask from another vendor, and a backpack from Tito.  I almost bought one of his new T shirts but they're white which makes me look even bigger than I am.  Should have bought one for my skinny daughter!  I spent a total of $40.  It's now 7:30 pm and really crowded.  We walk over to the beach.  Lots of people sitting here eating or just relaxing and enjoying the view.  I really want to stay longer but Richard is eager to get back to the condo.  I wish he had said something earlier.  I would have had him drop me off and pick me up at 9:30 pm when it ends.  I'm going to miss the entertainment!  As we're walking back to our car I hear a lady announcing what's to come.  Bummer!  On the way back we stop at the Graceway Gourmet store for some snacks-single serve packages of Doritos, Ruffles, Lays.  Cost $5.75

Just arriving around 5:30 pm

Turk's Head beer

My dinner from Kalooki's

Setting up the music

Sponsor-Turk"s Head

da Conch Shack table

Getting crowded

Good sounds

Some places will accept credit cards

Line at Smokey's

We be happy!  Well, I am truly happy to be here-Richard??



Wall to wall people having a good time!

Wanted a tie dye T shirt from here but they didn't have the size I wanted-XXL!

Very long line here

Heading to the beach

Bare feet dining

Feels good

Setting sun

Loving the food!

Mood lighting on the band!

Popular place on Thursdays!

So cute

Chris is appreciating the music

Walking back to our car 😞

Good bye fish fry!!

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